Fusion Gymnastics Covid-19 Operating Guidelines


These guidelines will be reviewed regularly and amended where necessary in accordance with the advice provided by Public Health England, Government and British Gymnastics.

Key Points
• All staff, children and parents should be aware of the main COVID-19 symptoms which include a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
• If staff, children, parents, or members of their household experience any symptoms we ask them not to visit the club and to inform us immediately.
• We will continue to follow advice given by Public Health England, Government and British Gymnastics and will follow Government guidelines for ‘test and trace’.

Arrival from class or After School Club
No parents/carers allowed inside the school hall.
• Children arriving from class or ASC will enter the hall and will find a marked spot on the stage/floor where they will sanitise their hands, change into gym attire, and place all belonging into a bucket. They will sit socially distanced while waiting for the class to begin. Children can at this point can have their snack.
• Parents are encouraged to explain to their children the importance of social distancing while at gym club.
• Each child will be given a bucket for all their belongings (shoes, drink bottle, hand sanitiser, clothing, small bag) that they will use in the gym. These will be cleaned between groups.
• For clarification on which class your child is in, please refer to your LoveAdmin account or contact Minesh.
• We advise you to take your child’s temperature at home before you attend school/gym club. As most children will already be in school no temperature check prior will be made.
• All staff will be in masks when coming in close contact with parents and children.
• Waiting areas in the school hall/gym are closed until further notice and parents are asked to wait outside during classes.
• All internal doors will be propped open to avoid unnecessary touch points.
• Any children involved in multiple clubs on the same day please let Minesh know as he can work out arrival and dismissal with their other club teachers.

During Class
• Children will line up on ‘crosses’ that are spaced 1 metre apart on the floor mats.
• Children will be split into small groups (year group bubbles), rotating around the gym, with the same coach.
• Gymnasts will only be permitted to perform skills that can be completed without the coach’s physical support.
• Children will be required to sanitise their hands when they arrive, after each apparatus and when they leave. Though we have this facility, if each child brings their own, time will be saved.
• Supporting a gymnast is only be permitted in the event of preventing an accident or injury.
• Skills that may usually require physical supporting will instead be broken down into progressions with additional safety equipment.
• No physical contact partner work will be permitted.
• In the event of an accident where first aid is required, social distancing may not be possible. The First Aider will wear a face mask and gloves ensuring they wash their hands before and after treatment.
• Water fountains can only be used to refill bottles. Please ensure all gymnasts bring enough water with them to keep hydrated throughout their session.
• Weather permitting the external doors and windows will be kept open allowing fresh air flow, where this is not possible air conditioning units will be used for airflow.

Upon Exit
• When class is over the children will be asked to get ready, sanitise hands and will be walked to the exit.
• Children must ensure they remove all belongings from the buckets before leaving the hall. Parents should be vigilant of this rule as until further notice will are unable to keep lost property.
• All children will be dismissed from the school hall doors. Please ensure they are collected promptly as coaches will be unable to chat as they must clean and prepare for the next class. Any children not collected on time will be taken to isolation area (Red sofa).
• We have staggered class times to help with social distancing.

• Prior to our opening the equipment will have been deep cleaned adhering to government guidelines.
• Regularly touched surfaces will be sanitised between classes.
• All used equipment e.g. mats, soft play, benches, bars, trampette and air track will be sanitised after each class.

Thank you for your co-operation.
Minesh Desai
Fusion Gymnastics